Let Us Help You Start, Scale, and Systemize Your Coaching or Consulting Business To 6/7-Figures By Installing A Customize Pre-Sold Client System

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🚀Ready To Attract 10-15 Dream Clients/Month On Autopilot?

Complete This Quick Application To See If You Qualify

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Who Is This For?

Clients and Impact is for coaches, consultants, and creators who are stuck between $5k-$10k/month and are the experiencing the following:



❌Drowning in Stress, Overwhelm, and Feeling Behind

You started this business for a life of freedom, but all it has done is trapped you in it's own creation.
You're working 10+ hour days. Earnings not matching your sweat. Gym membership collecting dust as you sacrifice family dinners and vacations just to "keep up"

Swimming in Peace, Flow, & Predictability

Your business runs like a well-oiled machine. Beach days and afternoon lunch with friends become the norm. You stick to a healthy gym and sleep schedule. You're not just making a living; you're living the dream.

❌An Underpriced Offer That Traps You In Fulfillment

You like your offer, but you don't love it. You've got clients, but not your dream clients. You charging standard rate, but not your worth. You got them good results, but not amazing results.

Productized, Market of 1 Offer That People Line Up to Buy

You have total conviction and alignment with your offer. You have dream clients lining up every month waiting to work with you. You are charging premium price that people want to pay. And it's so good that people never want to leave and tell all their friends.

❌Constantly Hunting Get New Leads Into The Pipeline

You're always on the hunting and trying 'the next new thing' to get leads. You're DMing people, building chatbots, farming groups, cold emailing people, spending on ads -- all in an effort to beg and convince people to work with you. It's exhausting, but you know that if you stop, you're going bankrupt.

Client-Getting Brand That Attracts and Create Engaged Leads

You have a brand that attracts the right attention & leads to your business. And rather than manually working, following-up, and qualifying those leads, you have an educational infrastructure that pre-qualifies, pre-nurture, and pre-sell them before they even book a call with you.

❌Begging & Convincing People to Book Calls and Buy From You

You're spamming people in the DMs, running flash sales, price increases, free webinars, workshops, events - anything just to get people to talk and buy from you. Yet all you're left is people ghosting you, no shows, and pulling tooth and nail to overcome objections after objections.

Line of Pre-Qualified Prospects Begging to Buy From Every Month

You have people messaging to get a time on your calendar. Your calendar is filled only with people who are a good fit for your program. And when they show up, they just want to know how to pay and how soon can they get started.

❌Operational Complexity & Overwhelm Trying to Run Your Biz

You have 69 softwares, 420 google sheets, and one overwhelmed brain that you constantly trying to manage. You waste hours every week trying to figure out where something is, what you need to do, and what to focus on. You know you should be tracking certain KPI's, but you can't even track of where you left your keys and wallet.

Simple Data-Driven Systems That Runs Your Business For You For

You have systems, processes, and automations that runs 90% of your business. It's getting leads, converting them to clients, and getting those clients to stay longer and tell all their friends. All while tracking only the important KPI's so that you can make better, logical decisions

❌Inconsistent, Unpredictable Revenue & Growth

You set a monthly revenue goal every month, but it's always a hit or miss. Some month are good. Most months just suck. This unpredictability makes it hard for you to the good decisions necessary to grow to that next level.

Consistent, Compounding Growth

You have recurring revenue and a waitlist of clients that allows you to have predictable & reliable income every month. This consistency allows you to make better, long-term decisions so that you're growth compounds with time.

The Problem

Lack of Clarity

You're trying to get more clients, but you don't know where to start. So you chase every new shiny object solution, only to overwhelm yourself with a mountain of to-do's and stress

Lack of Consistency

You know what you should be doing, but struggle to do it consistently. You wake up every morning in daze, questioning what you should be working on and prioritizing.

Lack of Compound

You think money money = more work. So you trap yourself in trading time for money. Starting every month at $0, and it feels like you're always working against time instead of with it.

How We Can Help

Let Us Build You A Pre-Sold Client System That Turns Strangers Into Dream Clients On Autopilot

#1) Productized M1 Offer

How To Design $3,000 - $30,000 Offers That's So Good,

People Line Up to Buy & Tell All Their Friends

The Problem

Offer Clarity & Positioning

❌You struggle with having clarity and alignment with what you sell and do

❌You don't know what separates you from competition

❌You struggle to raise prices and charge your worth

❌You struggle with delivering your offer at scale

❌You struggle with getting clients to stay, refer their friends, or upgrade to the next level

The Solution

Productized M1 Offer

✅ You have "Kayne" level confidence + conviction with what you sell

✅ You are positioned as the "iPhone" of your industry

✅ You have "Rolex" pricing + status around your offer

✅ You have "Amazon" level delivery around your offer

✅ You provide a "Disney" Effect that keeps clients coming back and telling their friends

The System

4% Client


Dive deep into the 80/20 of the 80/20 to uncover your 4% Client. This is someone who not only desires what you have, but is willing to pay a premium for it. This isn't just a client; it's your ticket to the big leagues.

6-Figure Offer


Use our 6-Figure Offer Matrix to create a high value, low cost offer that morphs the supply and demand curve into your favor. We'll help you craft an offer that's so good that people line up to buy.

Expert Positioning Formula

Elevate your status to the go-to expert, creating a gravitational pull that makes comparison obsolete and positions you as the undisputed choice for your dream clients

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#2) Automated Pre-Selling System

The Multilayer Presusation System That Turns Strangers into Dream Clients As You Sleep

How we leverage Ai and Automation to build front-to-end indoctrination system that educate, nurture, and presell potential clients at all stages of the customer journey

The Problem

Hunting for Clients

❌You're wasting time talking to leads and prospects who aren't a good fit

❌You're tired of having to convince and beg people to buy from you

❌You're waste time repeating the same message over and over again

❌You're fed up with prospects ghosting you and no-showing on call

❌You're struggling to get enough booked calls

The Solution

Attract & Create Clients

✅ You have a system that attracts, nurture, and qualifies leads as you sleep

✅ You only hop on calls with Pre-Sold clients just so you can answer quick questions and collect payment

✅ You have an ecosystem that allows prospects to sell themselves on working with you

✅ You only attract dream clients to your brand who only book calls to ask when can they work with you

✅ You have a waitlist of clients itching to work with you

The System


Authority Asset

Break false beliefs and build instant authority by creating an asset that not only educates, but demonstrates undeniable proof and impact of your system and process.


Trust Ecosystem

Speedrun Google's 7-11-4 rule by install an education infrastructure that pre-educates, pre-qualifies, and pre-sells leads into dream clients

10-Yard Conversion Sequence

Effortlessly seal the deal in silence with a single page that pre-handles objections, dismantles doubts, and turns skeptics into forever clients

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#3) Leveraged Content Machine

A Streamlined Content Solution That Creates a Client-Getting Brand

How we ideate, produce, and distribute client-getting content just 4 hours a month

The Problem

Content Quality and Quantity

❌You struggle to build a brand that gets clients, not likes

❌You struggle to figure out the right content to make

❌You struggle to get the right people's attention with your content

❌You struggle with burnout trying to create content consistently

❌You struggle to convert your content into actual paying clients

We all know that we need to create content, most people fail to do it consistently. And if they are doing it already, they are doing it wrong, attracting either no attention or the wrong attention.

The Solution

Leveraged Content at Scale

✅ You have a client-getting brand that compounds overtime

✅ You have a pipeline filled with client-getting content

✅ You have a clear and disruptive message that attracts your tribe

✅ You have a streamlined content process that's simple and repeatable

✅ You have a "Netflix" catalogue of content that turns content into clients

Leverage Ai + Tech to create a Omnipresent Content Machine that demonstrates value at scale. This allows us to capture, hold, and multiply attention at all levels of awareness. Content is the input, Brand, community, and trust is the Output.

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Web of Wisdom

Generate unlimited content ideas with personal knowledge system that turns scattered thoughts into original content masterpieces

AI Content Accelerator

10x your content quality and production with a custom AI Bot that's doesn't just understand your business, it breathes it.

4Hr Media Pipeline

A streamlined content solution that organizes, optimizes, and produces 30+ days worth of content in less than 4 hours a month

#4) Business Operation Hub

A Centralized Data-Center That Helps You Scale With Less

How We Document, Systemize, and Optimize Daily Operations So That Your Business Works For You

The Problem

Content Quality and Quantity

❌You struggle to figuring what you should be focusing on in your business

❌You struggle to find the right files and documents

❌You know what to do, but struggle to do it consistently

❌You feel trapped working in your business 24/7

❌You struggle to track important KPI's and figuring out how to use them to make good decisions

The Solution

Leveraged Content at Scale

✅ Simplify your entire business into one single document

✅ Centralize all files, asset, passwords into one location

✅ Replace yourself by leveraging AI + automation

✅ Build a business that works you and grows itself

✅ Automate KPIs tracking and turn them into beautiful dashboards to easily make data-based decisions

The System


KPI Scorecard

Make data-driven decisons by automating your KPI tracking and turn it into visually appealing dashboards


Process Hub

Centralize all of your processes and systems into a single page for easy access anywhere you go


Growth Engine

Turn your business into a self-scaling company that compounds in growth month after month.

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Our Clients Are Winning Big Inside of Their Business. See A Few Of Our Recent Success Stories Below...

Ai Made $40k+ In Revenue In Just4 Months As A Life & Business Breakthrough Coach for Female Entrepreneurs. 

Before she met us, Ai  has been coaching for a few years now as a mindset & breakthrough coach. At the time, she was charging $2,000 for average clients. In less than 3 weeks, we helped her create a brand new offer & sell it for $8K+ for her DREAM CLIENTS! By the end of the program, she's brought in over  $40k+ in revenue. Here's how she did it...


Before she met us, Ai  has been coaching for a few years now as a mindset & breakthrough coach. At the time, she was charging $2,000 for average clients. In less than 3 weeks, we helped her create a brand new offer & sell it for $8K+ for her DREAM CLIENTS! By the end of the program, she's brought in over  $40k+ in revenue. Here's how she did it...

Somto Went From Having $200/Launches... to Selling $9k+ Offers. In Just 6 Months, She Brought Home $50k+ In Revenue 

Somto is a SEO and Content Marketing Coach. In the past, she'd work for weeks on end to do Black Friday product launches... only to bring home a  measly $200. In less than 40 days, we repackaged her offer, and helped her raise her prices to $2400, $3600, even $9000 for her IDEAL CLIENTS! By the end of the program, she's brought in over  $50k+ in revenue


Somto is a SEO and Content Marketing Coach. In the past, she'd work for weeks on end to do Black Friday product launches... only to bring home a  measly $200. In less than 40 days, we repackaged her offer, and helped her raise her prices to $2400, $3600, even $9000 for her IDEAL CLIENTS! By the end of the program, she's brought in over  $50k+ in revenue

Norman Went From Charging $500 Workshops... to $8k+ Consulting Deals In Just 2 Week! He Then Switched Over To Coaching And Had A $20k Launch!  

Norman came to us after quitting his 6-figure/year corporate job. He's been hosting Communication Workshops in the past, and was charging $500 for it. Despite having ZERO sales experience & no real offer... we helped him land his 1st consulting client for $8K in just 2 weeks! Few months later, he created a new coaching offer & signed on 12 New Clients for a $20k launch!  


Thoa helps Japanese Entrepreneurs become fluent in English. She's been teaching English for over 10 years, and wanted to leverage that expertise to start a coaching business. In just 4 weeks, she got her 1st client for ¥200,000 ($2K)

Few weeks after that, she lands ANOTHER NEW CLIENT for ¥250,000 (a 25% price increase!) 

Thoa Helps Japanese Entrepreneurs Become Fluent In English. After Just 4 Weeks, She Got Her First Client For ¥200,000 (~$2k)

Thoa helps Japanese Entrepreneurs become fluent in English. She's been teaching English for over 10 years, and wanted to leverage that expertise to start a coaching business. In just 4 weeks, she got her 1st client for ¥200,000 ($2K)

Few weeks after that, she lands ANOTHER NEW CLIENT for ¥250,000 (a 25% price increase!) 

Brandon M

Justin helps healthcare professionals lose weight. When he started working with us, he was charging $250/client. Then in just 6 weeks, he locked in 2 new clients at $3,000!  Here's how he did it...

He Went From "Not Being Good Enough" To Feeling MORE Confident as a Coach

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Justin Helps Healthcare Professionals Lose Weight. He Locked In 2 New Clients At $3k In Just 6 Weeks...

Justin helps healthcare professionals lose weight. When he started working with us, he was charging $250/client. Then in just 6 weeks, he locked in 2 new clients at $3,000!  Here's how he did it...

He Went From "Not Being Good Enough" To Feeling MORE Confident as a Coach

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Justin helps healthcare professionals lose weight. When he started working with us, he was charging $250/client. Then in just 6 weeks, he locked in 2 new clients at $3,000!  Here's how he did it...

He Went From "Not Being Good Enough" To Feeling MORE Confident as a Coach

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How it Started

Growing up as a 1st Generation, low-income Vietnamese American, it was always my Mom's dream to have me become a doctor and take care of the family.

But when I told my Mom that I wanted to start my own business in 2017, she kicked me out and called me a "worthless son who should have never been born

5 years later, I proved her wrong, and built a multi 6-figure coaching and consulting business that allows me to travel the world, retire my dad, and take care of my loved ones.

And a big part of my success lies on this simple client acquisition system that I stumbled upon.

One that allows me to enroll 10-15 high-ticket clients a month using just my social media profile.

This system is responsible for my growing my business from $0-$300k in 9 months back in 2020 

And since then, I’ve refined it and started teaching it to other people looking to start and grow their own coaching or consulting business.

This System Has Helped:

✅100+ clients get their first client without a website, testimonial, certifications or a following online

✅34 grow past 6-figures

✅3 brands grow past 7 and 8-figures.

Today, I want to share with you the exact system I use to consistently attract, nurture, and pre-sell dream clients to my business.


👊 Fitness/ Performance

👊 Mindset

👊 Spiritual

👊 Money / Finance

👊 Relationship

👊 NLP/ Hypnotherapy



👊 Copywriting

👊 AI Automation

👊 Lead Generation

👊 Systems/Operations

👊 FB/YT Ads


👊 Self-Help

👊 Investing

👊 Crypto

👊 Lead Generation

👊 YT Ads

What Results You Can Expect


Consistent Clients Every Month

No more having to stay trap in the constant feast or famine cycle of hunting for clients. By building your AI-Powered Acquisition system, you will have a combination of new ready-to-buy clients from your content and referrals, along with your existing clients paying monthly to work with you or ascending to the next level.


Streamlined Systems for Compound Growth

It's not about growing taller, it's about growing deeper. By doublign down on your systems, product, and brand, you allow yourself to build something that compounds in growth overtime. Build your roots once, and allow the fruits of your labor feed you for generations to come.


Product That Sells Itself

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


A Brand of Impact

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Decrease Cost, Increase Profits

Run a lean 6/7-Figure business with 90% profit margins through the leverage of Code (Ai, Automations, Systems) and Media (Content)


A Business That Works For You

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

Next Step

From here, you have 3 steps.

#1) You liked what you read, know it's what you need, but decide to do nothing. In which case, I wish you luck.

#2) You like what you see and want to try to build all of this yourself. In which case, I wish you ever more luck. (It took me 5 years of trial and error, $300,000 worth of mentorship, and working with 100+ clients for me to figure out all this stuff and systemize it)

#3) You like what you see, and want personalized help to install this system inside your business. This is the quickest and easiest path as I'll be able to give you all of my systems + assets and we customize it to your business.

If you decide you'd like my help (and all of the systems, template, automation, AI tools, and workflow), book a time below OR DM me.

© Clients & Impact, 2024/ All Rights Reserved  

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM  US.